Pure awareness transcends thinking. It allows you to step outside the chattering negative self-talk and your reactive impulses and emotions. It allows you to look at the world once again with open eyes. And when you do so, a sense of wonder and quiet contentment begins to reappear in your life. Prof Mark Williams
https://www.limitlessflow.life/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Limitless-Flow-Logo-800-Color-1.png00integritivehttps://www.limitlessflow.life/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Limitless-Flow-Logo-800-Color-1.pngintegritive2017-11-25 00:00:002017-11-20 22:17:08Pure awareness transcends thinking. It allows you to step outside the chattering negative self-talk and your reactive impulses and emotions. It allows you to look at the world once again with open eyes. And when you do so, a sense of wonder and quiet contentment begins to reappear in your life. Prof Mark Williams