00:00:002017-11-20 22:18:44All of our emotions are our babies. Treat them tenderly, care for them. Be with them. Understanding and compassion will ultimately transform them. ~Thich Nhat Hanh 00:00:002017-11-20 22:18:43You are using everyone in your experience as a mirror to show you what you believe about yourself. Jeshua 00:00:002018-11-28 00:00:00Love is born with you; it is your intrinsic quality. All that is needed is to give it a way—to make a passage for it, to let it flow. ~Osho 00:00:002017-11-20 22:18:42Depression is a call for love. Fear is a call for love. Anger is a call for love. Grief is a call for love. Jealousy is a call for love. Guilt is a call for love. All unhappiness is a call for love. Robert Holden PhD 00:00:002017-11-20 22:18:41Day by day become more and more intimate with the inner stillness, joy and love which is the fragrance of your own pure heart. ~Mooji 00:00:002017-11-20 22:18:38Once you meet the beloved in form, your life cannot continue on as it was. Jeshua 00:00:002018-11-09 00:00:00I don’t know what’s best for me or you or the world. I don’t try to impose my will on you or on anyone else. I don’t want to change you or improve you or convert you or help you or heal you. I just welcome things as they come and go. That’s true love. The best way of leading people is to let them find their own way. Byron Katie 00:00:002017-11-20 22:18:36Love comes only from your own consciousness. It has nothing to do with anyone else. Jeshua 00:00:002017-11-20 22:18:36No matter how hard it tries, fear cannot bring love. Jeshua 00:00:002017-11-20 22:18:34It is love alone that leads to right action. What brings order in the world is to love and let love do what it will. ~J. Krishnamurti